

It is a new root inserted in the place of an extracted tooth. An implant is made from titanium, which our body treats as its own bone. After a few months it integrates with the jawbone like normal broken bones do.

Before the surgery, the dentist examines the patient’s oral cavity and refers to an x-ray examination. In most cases it is a pantomographic image, however, in a more complex situation a CT of the part of the bone can be recommended.

The surgery takes about 60 minutes and is performed under local anaesthesia, which is more than enough to make the procedure completely painless. The procedure of implant inserting is a less invasive procedure than the one of tooth extraction.

After a few months a technician in a laboratory is recreating a tooth’s crown whose look is identical to the other patient’s teeth.

Insufficient bone mass.

Insufficient bone mass is a typical problem in implantology. Currently thanks to the scientific development a number of procedures are performed called guided bone and tissue regeneration. The procedures involve inserting a special granulate, which creates scaffolding for the newly created bone, which grows into the material stabilizing the entire construction. The granulate with newly creating bone get separated from the gum with a special collagen membrane (Gaistlich) to provide proper bone healing. In order to achieve the predicted result an amount of bone mass of the size of a 20 pence coin is needed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does an implant stay in the mouth?

Properly installed implant integrates with the jawbone within few months. Then a tooth gets recreated on the implant. Such a prosthetic structure fulfills its function as long as the bone supports the implant; therefore, maximum life cycle is never specified. For a maximum benefit and lasting result, an everyday oral hygiene is recommend as well as control visits in the dentist’s office (every 6 months), which allow early detection of anomalities. The firsts implants were installed in the 70s of the twentieth century and are still in use.

What are the chances of a failure?

Implantology is not an experimental treatment. It is a well-known and documented technique of missing teeth restoration. Current technology of implants production and medical advancements allow reaching 96% of the treatment’s efficiency.

What happens if an implant doesn’t integrate with the jawbone?

In the case of an implant rejection, a new concept for treatment is required. Usually the implant is extracted and a new one is installed or bone recreation treatment is initiated. The extracted implant is sent back to the producer for further analysis regarding its rejection.
Implant rejection is not dangerous and requires only local actions involved with an installation of a new implant.

What are the counter-indications for implantation?

Currently it is believed that there is no single situation in which one cannot have an implant installed. There are conditions (diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, joint disease and connective tissue disease) that require postponing the procedure until a patient gets better. This decision is always consulted with a specialist in the field, who is later involved in the treatment.

Does smoking affect an implant?

The risk of implant rejection rises by 10% in smoking people. The research shows that the main problem is the negative impact tobacco has on connective tissue. It has been shown that smoking affects the bone quality and therefore reduces the implant’s life cycle.

How many implants does one need if one has no teeth at all?

In the no-teeth scenario implants are used as an element supporting the Patient’s mountable prosthetics. Then 2 to 4 implants in one jaw usually allow the prosthetics’ solid fixing. If the prosthetic reconstruction is to be permanently fixed with the implants, 8 implants in the upper and 6 in the lower jaw should suffice. Thanks to implants the chewing function is restored. The bone is stimulated and does not retreat. Quite the opposite – it regenerates. Food can be properly mashed, which prevents complications connected with improper eating.