Olaf Bronowicz - dental surgeon

Olaf Bronowicz

dental surgeon

I would like to invite you all to my dental practice, which I have had pleasure of running since 2001.

My office offers the treatment possibilities with the use of the top class equipment and modern materials. In the interest of our patients I decided to use the most advanced digital technology for x-ray diagnostics.

The advancement of modern medicine is almost revolutionary, therefore, it is essential to constantly improve one’s skills, which I have the opportunity to do as I am a member of the Polish Society of Implantology (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Implantologiczne) and the National Society of Dental Implantology (Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Implantologii Stomatologicznej). I have been constantly uplifting my qualifications on various courses and congresses nationwide and abroad.

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Tomasz Witko - lekarz stomatolog

Tomasz Witko


Dentist Tomasz Witko is a graduate of the Medical University of Silesian Piasts in Wroclaw.

He is a doctor who develops his professional qualifications by participating in various courses and trainings, because he cares about comprehensive treatment of patients, using the newest available medical achievements. In our office, he is mainly responsible for conservative treatment and microscopic endodontics (root canal treatment).

He willingly and effectively relieves patients from anxiety to dentists.

Okluzja i fizjoterapia stomatologiczna Wypełnienia bezpośrednie czy pośrednie, inlay, onlay, endkorona Międzynarodowy Kongres Dental News w Poznaniu Technika iniekcyjna w bezpośrednich uzupełnieniach kompozytowych Implantacja i mobilizacja płata Czas na endo Mosty protetyczne w codziennej praktyce stomatologicznej Czas na endo XX Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa Studentów Stomatologii im. Michała Kłopotowskiego Problemy stomatologii odtwórczej Powtórne leczenie endodontyczne oraz leczenie powikłań Odbudowy kompozytowe. Bezpieczna droga do przebudowy zgryzu. ENDO. Nowoczesna endodoncja mikroskopowa od A do Z. Endodoncja III - rozwiązywanie trudnych problemów w leczeniu endodontycznym i retreatment Heroendo - kurs leczenia najtrudniejszych przypadków Fotografia w gabinecie stomatologicznym. Psychologia ustalania z pacjentem kompleksowego planu leczenia cz. I Szkolenie i egazmin w dziedzinie ochrony radiologicznej pacjenta Psychologia motywacji do leczenia protetycznego

Agata Szulecka-Pajewska - Dental hygienist

Agata Szulecka‑Pajewska

Dental Hygienist

The dental hygienist’s profession has opened up a completely new chapter in my life and showed how much satisfaction working with patients brings. It has also showed how little patients know about oral hygiene and how much can be done to change it. One thing is sure – the work I do and the place I work in are the way I was had always been looking for.

Aneta Zakrzewska - dental assistant

Aneta Zakrzewska

dental assistant

Certified assistant and dental hygienist.

I have 10 years of experience in working with a patient. I approach work with a smile and commitment.

At Edent, he assists with dental procedures.

Privately, a lover of dogs, non-fiction and travel.